Fancy a challenge, getting constructive feedback on your performance and the chance to win a trophy? We will have four types of competition available to enter at this years event!
Why do we have Competitions?
Having competitions, promotes excellence in puppetry and creative arts. This also inspires and encourages others to do their best in their own ministries.
They are not about coming 1st, 2nd and 3rd, but about improving ability, encouragement and passing on ideas to each other.

one puppeteer
New for this year! Can you put on a show all by yourself? Then this is the competition for you! Here’s the basic rules, just like the team comp, you have the whole puppet stage, you can use one, two, as many puppets as you like however only one puppeteer! Are you up for the challenge?

creative arts competition
The Creative Arts competition is a very open competition for everything creative, anyone who uses: Gospel Magic, Science, Juggling, Ballooning, Dance, Drama and all things creative! This competition isn’t a puppetry comp but can have a puppet as part of the act. But the puppet can not BE the act.

Vent & solo competition
The Vent and Solo competition is the place for anyone who uses ventriloquism or the whispering technique, (where the puppet is silent and whispers to the performer).

puppetry team
The Puppetry team competition is the one for the puppet ministry teams to bring a performance whether that’s a song, a skit or even a blacklight performance. Is your team up for a challenge?
The judges are three of our experienced workshop leaders that are specialists the particular area of ministry that is being showcased in each competition.
There is a set criteria and judging form that our judges adhere to. Once they have been reviewed and finalised, the competition guidelines and judging forms will be available for download from here soon.