Workshop Leaders
Your 2024 Line up
is Here!
It’s an incredible group of experienced and passionate, creative ministry specialists. We can’t wait for all the workshops and content they will bring to the event!

schools ministry & Ventriloquism
Paul is the creative brains behind “2 Minute Twist” - a set of short YouTube videos exploring BIG Faith Questions. Living in the Black Country; Paul is married to Vanessa, they have two adult children. Paul has worked in full-time ministry sharing the gospel with children and families for 30 years. He works as an evangelist with Counties and member of Children Worldwide. Two key passions for Paul are: speaking at church based family outreach events, and helping churches connect with local primary schools. Paul loves to bring the message of Jesus alive to children, through puppetry, ventriloquism, juggling, magic and of course storytelling.

Bob has travelled the world, telling Bible stories, for over 30 years. He has written over 100 books, mostly for children, including The Lion Storyteller Bible, and YouVersion’s Bible App for Kids. Originally from Pittsburgh, Bob lives in England, is married to Sue and has two children and five grandchildren.

Branden has been a puppeteer and has worked in Children’s Ministry for over 25 years. He previously worked for One Way Street/Creative Ministries in the United States, creating resources, products, and puppets, as well as leading training events and workshops. He has served in Children’s Ministry both in the United States and Ireland. He and his family currently serve as missionaries in Cork, Ireland for a para-church ministry called TreuImage.

4Front Theatre have been creating performances that ‘put faith at the 4front’ for over a decade in Primary Schools, Churches, Theatres and even Prisons! During the COVID pandemic they also started their successful YouTube channel - Virtual Sunday School - watched in over 50 different countries. Most of 4Front’s productions are musicals, and they even have 2 kids worship albums out through Virtual Sunday School. Based in Worcestershire, Rob & Nat are the founders of 4Front; they have 2 children and a big dog
Drama &
Kids Ministry

Cam is an experienced puppeteer who began performing in his church at the young age of six and is now the Lead Puppet Designer and Builder at One Way UK. His puppetry has taken him from working in his church, preforming on overseas missions to puppeteering on a range of professional filming projects. One of Cam’s passions is to develop puppet characters and use them to connect and relate to audiences of all ages to help share the Gospel. He can’t wait to see what God has planned for his puppet ministry in the coming years.

Kirstyn is the founder of Alma Autism UK, a small business and mission raising awareness of Autism in Church communities. Kirstyn, born in the UK, spent 14 years of her life in Brazil as a child of missionaries. She is currently a children and families minister in South London and is a respite foster carer. She has also developed the Sensory Tray Bible books and kits to resource churches and families who are working with special educational needs. Kirstyn has a Masters degree in Autism studies and delivers training days and workshops which have so far reached 3 continents. She shares over 10 years experience of working in this field and it is her passion to support families and see those with SEN learn, grow and develop their own faith and connection with God.
Sensory play &

Dave Hellyer is the youth & children’s pastor at Kingdom Faith Church in Horsham. Dave has over 30 years of puppetry experience and 20 years experience making puppets. Dave has been fortunate to have made lots of good friends through puppetry, he has had some amazing opportunities to travel and perform all over the UK and overseas as well. Dave has taught puppetry internationally and is a huge fan of the work One Way UK do to inspire and equip puppeteers having started his own puppetry career working for them at the end of the 90s. Dave’s day job has him writing, teaching, filming puppetry, making crafts and running youth clubs (not necessarily in that order).

Ian started and has been director of his Church puppet team in Grimsby since 1998. With over 20 members they have a busy programme in churches and also outreach in the community, care homes and schools. He has also coordinated mission trips abroad for his team to Romania, Bulgaria and Burkina Faso. Ian's heart lies in reaching out to children and families and for over 30 years has led and been involved with these ministries in his church. Through his years of experience in puppet ministry, he is passionate about inspiring others to use their creativity to share the Gospel too!
puppetry &
team leadership

Fiona is passionate about children hearing the gospel and loves opportunities to do just that. She has years of experience in children’s ministry, having worked in churches across England as well as leading missions in South Africa with puppets. It was whilst studying a children’s ministry course at Philadelphia College of Bible in the USA that Fiona was introduced to puppet ministry at the local Church. She was then privileged to go on tour in America as a member of the One Way Street Puppet Internship Team. She is now based in the West Midlands where she is the children’s advisor for Thrive Youth Ministries, supporting and equipping churches to enhance their children’s ministry. Fiona has been involved in leading our Puppet Academy team since it started in 2008! She has a particular eye for and skill in creating puppet choreography, get ready to turn your puppet group into the next diversity in one of her workshops. In her spare time, she likes to travel, do cross stitch, watch films, and catch up with friends. Her favourite chocolate is Cadbury’s.
Puppet choreography

Dr Lesley Gray completed her PhD in Physical Biochemistry, at the National Institute for Medical Research in 2015, where she studied the replication of DNA in antibiotic resistant bacteria, here she became interested in Science and Faith communication. A youth worker at heart, Lesley trained as a Science teacher in 2016 and now teaches Science to 8-18 year olds, while training part-time to be a priest in the Church of England. She is passionate about getting the church to use science to creatively communicate the Gospel and help to answer some of the Big Questions we have about life. She is a presenter with the travelling God and the Big Bang Project. She wrote part of the new “Messy Church Does Science” book and is excited to see people young and old enjoying science and exploring their faith. Lesley lives in Hertfordshire with her husband Antony (he is the reason she now likes puppets) and her two adopted children, where they enjoy baking, singing and the great outdoors.
Science illustrations

Kevin is an experienced puppeteer and is one of the founder members of Grimsby’s Puppet Power team, which has been running since 1998. His main area of expertise is live voice work and he acts as ‘anchor puppet’ in the team’s many performances. He enjoys developing puppet characters, his original one being wing commander George and more recently Jake, an American Hillbilly and Winston the Labrador dog, in addition to an Indian camel! Kevin also does some writing and has produced several puppet scripts for both Puppet Power and One Way UK. He enjoys the challenge of improvisation and is used to filling in when the team say —- ‘keep talking’!